Here’s what people are saying about Absolute Canine Training…

  • "Brandie is amazing! She worked with my 4 month old doodle for 2 weeks and he came home to me a new pup! My life and my dogs life have changed for the better. I would highly recommend investing in training!"

    — Nora

  • “We were recommended to Absolute Canine Training a few months ago and I’m so thankful we were! Brandi and her team are committed to providing superb, custom training with lasting results. If you’re thinking of getting professional training for your pet…I HIGHLY encourage you to contact them! ”

    — Maggie

  • “We picked up our Roux (4.5 month labradoodle) from training today. WOW. He is doing great. Brandie also trained us to reinforce the boundaries that she set — and it’s quite doable [I was worried it would be very complicated— not at all]. Roux seems calmer and more confident (I think it’s because he knows what to expect). Thank you, Brandie and Absolute Canine Training! ”

    — Amy

  • "Winnie has been home with me now for a week! We Practice daily the skills that she learned with Brandie. She is spot on and it’s so impressive. Each member of our family has commented how she is an amazing dog. She is absolutely perfect and is a new member of our family. Brandie has worked wonders with her and I cannot speak Highly enough about how this training has truly made her a better part of our family! Thank you Brandie for all of your hard work and dedication to a true talent that you have. "


  • "Absolute Canine trained my daughter’s husky who had some bad habits and was prone to guarding treats and certain objects. Brandie did a fantastic job with Ivy! She is no longer guarding, she’s walking excellent on a leash, listens a lot better & overall, is just a more well-behaved dog. Thank you Absolute Canine Training! "
